[Translation] Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene: Mukami Ruki (Animate tokuten)

Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.12 無神ルキ / CV: Sakurai Takahiro

I was worried that there won’t be seats available since this coffee shop is small, but we’re in luck today.

Yeah, isn’t this a nice place? I’ve always wanted to bring you here. Those bookshelves are part of the shop’s interior design, but we are also free to browse the books they have there. The idea is that we can read while we help ourselves to some coffee or tea.

Is that so? I didn’t know book cafés are popular these days.

[waiter approaches]

Ah, we’re ready to order. I will have… Hm, a carafe of Mandheling. How about you?

Having trouble deciding?

There’s nothing to stress over – you can just pick something that catches your eye. Though, I’m also happy to decide for you. Let me see, for you… How about this red smoothie? It’s mainly made of berries, so it should be easy to drink. Besides, you look good with red.

[chuckles] I just mean it in the literal sense. If there’s no objection, I’m going to order it.

Got it.

This one for her, please.

[waiter leaves]

We’ve ordered our drinks. Let’s go pick a book for ourselves. [stands up]

Hm? What’s wrong?

You’re coming up with weird ideas again. “Choose a book for each other to read” – meaning, you are going to choose a book that you want me to read too?

I don’t mind, but why are we doing this all of a sudden?

Huh? Why are you hesitating now?

Ah, I see. In order to choose a book for someone, we need to understand their taste and interests. We have to think hard about them before deciding on a book. In other words, you want to enjoy the sight of me racking my brain over you.

Isn’t that the same thing? The bottom line is, you want me to think about you. Not a bad idea at all. In return, you will also rack your brain thinking about me. I’m sure you understand the consequences if you ended up choosing something that’s not to my liking, right?

[chuckles] Well, best of luck finding a book that I’ll like.

[chuckles] That took you long enough. Your drink has been here for a while.

Oh, you sure picked out a big one. Is that a picture book?

I see. It does interest me if it’s something you’ve read as a child. That being said, I never expected that you’d consider a picture book to be “a book that suits me”, out of all things…

Take it easy, I understand. You went to the academics section in the beginning, didn’t you? You looked over a lot of books, and I saw you getting all dejected. Most likely, you tried to find a difficult book that I’d like, but you couldn’t understand the content and didn’t know what to do.

Right, I was watching you. Does it bother you that I was watching?

[chuckles] Your face is turning red. This is not the first day you’ve been ignorant, is it? By the way, it was wise of you to choose a book within your reach instead of randomly picking something that you don’t understand.

So? What’s interesting about this picture book?

[MC flipping the book]

It surely is full of colors. A picture book that’s too bright and colorful to suit me.

Hm?… What, me? I don’t think it really fits me, though… Gray, black, colors without vibrance – those are more like me. That’s just the kind of guy I am.

Really? That’s surprising. In your eyes, I am just as colorful as this… I suppose some things have changed in me through all this time we’ve lived together.

This picture book – I shall read it with gratitude.

Why do you look so happy? You’re a strange woman, just as usual.

Ah, that’s right. I haven’t showed you the book I got for you.

[takes out a book]

Here. This is for you.

Apology of Socrates by Plato.

The look on your face changed immediately. No need to worry, this book is a lot easier to understand than you’d imagine. The way Socrates declared his beliefs at the trial for his capital offenses – you might see some interesting parallels between your experience and his. After all, you were thrown into a vampire’s den and walked a thin line between life and death. You will find the book inspiring.

I’m just kidding. Don’t take it seriously. I simply wanted to recommend this to you as an introduction to philosophy texts. Take a look inside.

[MC opens the book]

How is it?… Or, I suppose I don’t need to ask. You’re frowning.

You just opened the book, and you’re giving up already… What a shame.

Well, I guess it can’t be helped. [stands up and walks over]

I’m taking this seat next to you. [sits] Which part do you find difficult? I’ll explain as you read.

What’s wrong? The book is slipping off your hands. I’ll hold on to you, so don’t drop it.

Hmm… Hm? Is it just me, or are you blushing even more than before? Don’t tell me you’re… Getting nervous just because I’m touching your hand?

Ahh, I see. I got too close to you. Indeed, it’s hard to focus on reading this way. But didn’t you say it’s too difficult to understand? So, we’ll have to stay this way until you can read it on your own.

[chuckles] That’s a cute reaction. I’ll forgive you with this.

[lets go of MC]

What, did you just realize? Of course I did it on purpose.

If I choose a book that’s hard to read, you’ll seek my help. If I then look at what you’re reading next to you, I knew you’d get all flustered. Teasing you was indeed delightful.

Come on, don’t get sulky. This is the result of me choosing a book while thinking about you. Whenever I thought of you, I felt the urge to be by your side more than anything else.

[takes MC’s hand] Even if it’s just holding your hand like this, I want to feel your touch, your warmth. That emotion was so strong, I couldn’t stop myself. It seems like I… Did change quite a lot ever since I met you.

Hm? What’s wrong? If there’s something on your mind, tell me.

You feel the same?… About what?

[chuckles] I see. Then, let’s stay like this for a little longer. We can still read with our hands held.

To lose myself in the sea of words together with you in a fine afternoon… Doesn’t sound bad at all. [kiss]

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i translate random stuff that tickles my fancy in my free time.

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